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Workout Routine


1. Leg Swings

----- Forward 

----- Lateral

----- Calf

----- Toe Raises

2. Dynamic Stretching

----- Posture / Hip Shift / Hop

----- Tiptoes / Heels

----- Reverse Achilles

----- Grass Pickers

----- Hurdlers Forwards & Backwards

----- SpiderMan's

3. Form Drills (Forms x2)

----- March

----- Skips (A-Skips)

----- Kick through (B-Skips)

----- Bounding

----- Slides

----- Carioca

----- Hip Mobility (With Hurdles)

4. Strength

----- Bunny Hops / Leap Frogs

----- Drives x 3

----- Piggy Backs x3

----- Single Leg Squat x10

5. Partnered Stretching & Resist

----- Ham

----- Butt (Glute)

----- Quad

6. Additional Static Stretching as Needed

Main Workout - As Per Coach
&/or  Workout Schedule


1. 6 Easy Strides on Grass
2. Static Stretching
3. Ice or Ice Bath
4. Roll Out

Hip Mobility Drills

Proper Running Form & Drills

Proper Form Partner Stretches

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