GVHS Long Distance
The Meet! What to Expect: A spectators guide.
Pre-Race -- Get acquainted with the race course and look for strategic spectator points, as well as the start and finish points. It is also helpful to identify the team uniforms. Be aware that numerous races will be run during the course of the meet. A meet may last anywhere from two hours to a full day. Races will be organized by either the numbers of schools entered, grade levels of the runners, or school sizes. You can find out beforehand what time your son/daughter is racing and in which particular race. You should not expect or demand the attention of your son/daughter once they have joined their team at the race site. They need time to warm up beforehand, and to mentally and physically prepare for the race with the coach and the rest of the team. There are down times during a meet they will be able to catch up with you.
During the Race -- Cross Country is not a sport that is observed from one point (i.e. Bleachers) Track & Field IS. Albeit you may want a closer perspective for field events. The Start & Finish Line is always a fan favorite to enjoy watching a race.
Post-Race -- After a runner comes through the finish line, Be aware that runners have certain responsibilities after the race. We require runners to warm down as well as actively support teammates who are still running or have yet to race.
It is important to note: after a race, a runners will possibly be more spent than you would anticipate. Symptoms may include rubbery knees, general weakness, the appearance of fainting, glassy eyes, nausea, and salivating. These symptoms usually pass quickly. A mistake parents often make at a race is to take their son/daughter off by themselves and try to take care of them. Please don't do this. All of our coaches are trained in first aid, are aware of these physical reactions, and have both the responsibility and ability to help take care of them. In many instances a trainer is on site to administer care.
It is also important to note that immediately after a race (0-15 minutes) it is best to let your son/daughter drink water. Products like Gatorade are sweet and sometimes can induce nausea for the athlete.
Many parents are surprised at the seriousness that their son/daughter shows when racing. The intensity of the race can bring about parts of a young athletes personality that parents have never seen and are many times surprised by.
Additionally -- parents must understand that by state law we are responsible for your son/daughter after the meet. Please do not just take your son/daughter home after a meet without checking with the coaches first.